Our next home delivery dates in Vancouver/Lower Mainland for online orders will be Sept 28-29th (order cutoff Wednesday Sept 25th) Or find us this weekend at Trout Lake Market on Sat Sept 21st or Ambleside Market on Sunday Sept 22nd. Our next Okanagan delivery October 14th. ANNUAL VANCOUVER ISLAND DELIVERY OCTOBER 28th
Organic Beef Tongue

Organic Beef Tongue

Regular price $30.00 Sale

Unleash your culinary curiosity! Organic beef tongue is surprisingly simple to prepare and makes a scrumptious deli meat when thinly sliced. Each tongue weighs 2.5lbs.


1. Place tongue in stock pot and cover with beef broth. I like to add salt, pepper, bay leaves, chopped onion and garlic to the pot.

2. Slowly simmer for at least 3 hours.

3. Remove tongue from pot and allow to cool before handling. When ready -remove outside layer of tongue with a knife.

4. Slice peeled tongue into thin slices. Enjoy on a sandwich warm or cold